Glow Up? Now Introducing Mobile Tanning
Hope you all have had a wonderful start to the new year, and have enjoyed all that hibernation has to offer. Its great to have those wintery days to get cosy and organised, looking forward to spring making its way.
It's been really great for me in setting my goals into action the start of this year. I Feel like I've managed to achieve what I set out, which has been on the back burner for so long.
Now this goes back to 2021!
Just before I got my business back on track again, after COVID and maternity leave, I bought a new spray tanning set up. I used to do spray tans at Perfect Glow in Northgate St, and was due to have a revamp, and was attracted to the Tan in Tent, which offered a much more clean and hygienic way of spray tanning.
Now the Tan in Tent has actually been seen on Dragons Den, and the true beauty of it was that it offered a solution to no longer struggling with pop u tents (as these can be troublesome to open and close). This offers a pain free way of keeping it clean and hygienic, without have to get inside it an clean all the surfaces by hand. This one is actually machine washable and you can also tumble dry.
It also offers much more space to move around as well as coming complete with an extractor fan, to keep the whole environment mess free!
I have also researched and found a great product Olive Glow Solutions which uses the finest ingredients, which can be used in conjunction with a Glow Dust to ensure no stickiness.
So FINALLY, after not even taking it out of its packaging since 2021, as I had so many other business treatments that I was focused on for the salon, I had reached the stage where I decided to bite the bullet and set up dong this MOBILE for group of 3 or more.
So I am very happy in announce mobile tanning now available!
So if you’re getting ready for holiday season, a hen party or any other event where a hint of tan wouldn't go a miss then please get in contact.
Send a DM From the website or contact Vikki on 07538 421549